Concentration in Franchising

领导 students attend a classroom lecture.

所有PBA学生都有机会使用9个选修学分(加上实习)来学习特许经营专业. 特许经营是一种全球现象,特许经营公司寻求受过良好教育的大学毕业生成为员工和特许经营者. The 提多中心 is unique in education. 很少有大学提供特许经营课程,只有PBA提供特许经营集中课程,该课程会记录在毕业生的成绩单上. 这种专注对任何大学专业都有帮助,而且这种专注并不局限于商科专业. 希望获得专注的PBA学生可以开始填写一份申报表,申报表可在林克商学院院长办公室或泰特斯特许经营中心获得. 要讨论您在特许经营方面的机会,请访问Titus中心并与中心的工作人员会面.

Rinker School of Business , 提多中心 for Franchising




What Can I Do with This Concentration?

成千上万的特许经营公司和多单位特许经营者都希望雇佣受过特许经营教育的候选人. 然而, 很少有大学提供特许经营方面的教育,因此为PBA的Titus特许经营中心的毕业生创造了机会. 您可以选择PBA的任何专业,并使用您的选修学分包括特许经营专业. With those credentials the 提多中心 can help you find employment. There are opportunities in 市场营销, 管理, 金融, 会计, 国际业务, HR, 培训, 政府, 等. 然而, many graduates of our program prefer to own a business, and the Concentration teaches you the steps to follow to acquire a franchise opportunity.


PBA是独一无二的. No other university that we’re aware of offers a Concentration in Franchising. One other university offers a major in franchising. Several universities offer courses in franchising. 然而, 提多中心 is closely aligned with the franchise community. 演讲嘉宾, usually more than 12 per semester, develop ongoing relationships with our students, and offer 实习 and jobs. 提多中心 has a professional Advisory Board that includes more than 40 franchisors, 加盟商和供应商——他们大多对培养我们的学生并在他们毕业后提供帮助很感兴趣. Most of our students plan to own their own business, and our Concentration prepares them for that opportunity. 我们还有 提供奖学金 and will launch a loan program that will provide up to $300,000 for a student/graduate who buys a franchise. The opportunities we provide are simply not available elsewhere.


To earn the Concentration in Franchising you need to complete 12 credit hours as follows:

  1. BFR 2123 Principles of Franchising 3 Credit Hours. This course is offered online.
  2. BFR 3123 Franchise Creative Ventures 3 Credit Hours.
  3. BFR 4123 Franchise Management & Operations 3 Credit Hours.
  4. BUSV 4713 Franchise Internship 3 Credit Hours.

Use your elective hours in your degree program to complete the Concentration in Franchising.


Learn more about your classes and requirements in the 课程目录.

PBA awards over three million dollars in 奖学金 every year and 97% of PBA undergraduate students receive 金融援助.


Do you have questions about the Concentration in Franchising? 联系


Cole Gehman, Class of ’23, Major: Marketing

我刚刚结束了与Jack Day和Steve Popper (Titus中心顾问委员会成员)在“希望之餐”的实习,这是一次了不起的经历.

The internship with Meals of Hope was unique to any other internship that I have had, as I gained valuable experience in 市场营销, 销售, 和特许经营. Jack trusted me to work directly with potential clients in the New England area, so I gained real-world 销售 experience as an intern. 杰克和史蒂夫还为我提供了灵活性,让我可以自己选择夏天的工作时间和远程工作. I also had the opportunity to take creative initiative and pitch new ideas. I cannot speak highly enough about the fantastic leadership team at Meals of Hope, 我期待着看到他们在未来几年对特许经营社区的影响.

我强烈推荐这个实习经历给任何有兴趣为伟大事业工作的Titus中心学生,同时获得宝贵的特许经营现实经验, 销售, 市场营销, 和操作.

亚伦玫瑰, Class of ’19, Director of Operations at ResiBrands in Round Rock, TX

亚伦玫瑰“As a graduate of the 提多中心 for Franchising, 我可以自信地说,这个项目使我具备了在特许经营事业中取得成功所必需的知识和技能. 他们全面而实用的教育使我对这个行业及其实践有了深入的了解, from both a franchisor and franchisee perspective. 该中心与来自世界各地的特许经营高管的联系为我提供了极有价值的网络机会,并深入了解了该领域的最新趋势和挑战,也让我有机会进入特许经营领域,获得了在我的职业生涯中非常宝贵的实践经验. 我强烈推荐Titus特许经营中心给任何想要进入这个令人兴奋和充满活力的领域的人. In three short years after graduating, 我有幸为一家新兴的特许经营企业集团服务,担任其运营总监. 我可以肯定地说, if you apply yourself and take advantage of the networking opportunities, 世界级的实习, and resources available through the 提多中心, it will catalyze your career in franchising, 就像我的一样.”

Alianna Marino, Class of ’24, Major: Business Administration

Alliana马里诺“我是十大赌博网站的狂热粉丝,因为Titus特许经营中心为我提供了机会. With the 提多中心 of Franchising, I have been able to connect with my classmates, other successful business operators and owners, 还有我的教授, 在更激烈的层面上. This has helped me develop skills outside of the classroom. 我的一些机会和经历是与特许经营高管一起参加专业的社交活动, 特许经营惯例, 座谈会, and franchise company locations to gain real world and hands on experiences. These are practices that you are not prone to get at other universities.”

卡森奎因, Class of ’24, Major: Finance

卡森奎因“The franchise concentration has been a blessing to my college career since day one. 通过这个项目, I have learned everything there is to know about franchising including what defines a franchise, the meaning of the items within the Franchise Disclosure Document, the importance of the Franchise Fee, and how a franchisor operates their company for the benefit of the franchisees. Even more monumental is the exposure to private networking events, 约定, 实习, 和奖学金. 我绝对推荐专注于特许经营,因为它会提升你的商业生涯和敏锐度. . . . I am a second-generation Jupiter native who loves the beach and Chick-fil-A. 我目前正在学习金融,并将于2024年5月获得学士学位,然后在秋季攻读硕士学位. I am involved in various activities on campus including FinTech and Student Government. My career goal is to work for JP Morgan or own a Chick-fil-A.”

马修Cancino, Class of ’23, Major: Management

马修Cancino“我无法用语言来表达集中特许经营的有效性,以及我对参与其中的感激之情. 在与十大赌博网站大西洋特许经营中心相遇之前,我从未想象过特许经营提供的令人难以置信的机会. Beyond the exceptional professional development opportunities, what truly sets the 提多中心 apart is the sense of community it creates. 提多中心 for Franchising is more than just an educational institution; it is a life-changing experience. To anyone considering the 提多中心 for Franchising, I wholeheartedly endorse this transformative institution. 准备开始一段非凡的旅程,这不仅会塑造你的职业生涯,还会在你的内心和灵魂上留下不可磨灭的印记.”

西十大赌博网站 招生


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十大赌博网站的会计学士学位课程中建立信心并释放潜力. 发展在商业和会计方面的突出技能,同时学习在你的工作中注入和维护你的基督教信仰, 你的家, 你的社区.


十大赌博网站的理学学士学位课程中,挑战自己,成功实现目标,超越预期.S.) in Finance degree program. Build a strong core across principles of business, develop long-lasting expertise in 金融, 并选择是否在特许经营管理专业进一步专业化,同时加深和肯定你的基督教信仰.

pre-law student engages in classroom discussion.


通过理学学士学位(B .),成为一名有创造力、适应性强、信仰驱动的商业领袖.S.) in Management degree program at Palm Beach Atlantic University. 从校园的第一学期开始,就接受有现实影响的项目,并抓住机会扩大你的网络,推进你的职业发展.